Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 1. LAX --> BOS --> CDG

The highlight of today was during my brief layover in Boston, I got to see Lindsay for a quick bite to eat.

The girl is something else!

She met me just outside the gate, took me out to dinner, got me a Paris guidebook and pulled out a cupcake from her bag so we could celebrate my birthday properly.

The guidebook is perfect because, up until that point, I had no time to even think about what the heck I'd be doing in Paris.

And seeing Lindsay is always wonderful. She is one of my best friends and her thoughtfulness blew me away.

Speaking of, another great friend ERF, drove me to the airport at o'dark thirty, handed me a card for the plane and a CD with carefully considered music for my alone time in the car in Ireland.

I'm feeling very loved and grateful for my friends and family!

Tomorrow is our birthday. And while I'm sad to be spending my birthday apart from my twin, I'm looking forward to waking up in Paris! What a way to ring in 33.


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