Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crayola Photo Challenge- Orchid

During my week long vacation in Maine, I got a chance to take out my camera quite a bit. I had a very nice break from almost all other kinds of technology (especially when my iPhone caught a wave in the Atlantic Ocean) and a great opportunity to take hundreds (literally) of photographs of my adorable niece, Quinn.

I was determined to get at least a few of my colors with Quinn as the subject and I got some super fun and beautiful photos of her.

Orchid was on the easy side because Quinn's cute shoes and her baby (stuffed animal) could both pass for this crayola photo challenge. I ultimately chose the one below because you could see Quinn's face. I love the sassiness she displays in it! And those eyes. My god those eyes!

From Crayola Photo Challenge- Orchid

Taken in Oguinquit, Maine on August 17th.

To see more of orchid, click here. I really wanted to put up the close-up of Quinn's shoes next to her Dad's but obviously chose a different picture!


Meghan Corridan September 2, 2011 at 9:47 PM  

she is hilarious and gross at the same time.

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