Weight Watchers- Five Week Update
At the beginning of the year, after gaining back all the weight I'd lost playing Game On over the course of, oh, a year and change, I decided that I just couldn't fuck around anymore. On top of being really tired with the back and forth, I felt crummy and schlumpy. I had a difficult conversation with my oldest sister and was watching another sister go through a major change in her attempt to lose weight. And it was time for me to really and seriously do something about my weight.
I had been toying with going back to Weight Watchers for a little while. But I had tried it a couple of times before and wasn't successful. So what was to say that this time would work? I was hesitant to join and actually put it off a few times- my mom was visiting, my brother-in-law was visiting, I had a party to go to. Blah blah blah.
But on January 22nd, I walked into a 730am Saturday meeting and was open to change. I sat through the meeting and stuck around for the intro meeting and learned all about the changes since the last time I did Weight Watchers. And since that day, I've been following the Weight Watchers program and really enjoying it.
I've made a lot of changes. I started cooking a lot more at home. I hit up the farmer's market at least two times a week. I went back to the gym and have been doing weight training 2x/week and got way back into spin class. I eased back into spin class doing it 1x/week, then 2x/week and now I'm up to 3x/week. I'm convinced that the exercise is what's helping me lose the weight as quickly as it's been coming off the past five weeks. And I attribute all that to having a spin instructor who motivates and inspires me.
The main thing is, I've been sticking with the program. Unlike the Game, I can't hop off Weight Watchers at the end of a round. Because of that, I don't have an opportunity to gain back all the weight and ruin the hard work that I've put in. I'm also motivating myself with the potential of going back to Ireland in the fall. I've made a side bet with myself that if I stick with the program until the middle of May, then I can look at tickets. I may not be able to afford going to Ireland again this year, but I am keeping myself motivated with the hope of another annual trip to my favorite place in the world.
My weight loss journey will certainly take way longer than May, but I know that I will have made a significant and important change in my habits and patterns by that point.
I'm happy to report that as of this morning's weigh-in, I've lost a total of 18.8lbs since 1/22. I feel great and am really happy with my progress to date. I am highly motivated to keep going and see the results of my hard work. It's been a great experience so far and have all the faith in myself that I will stick to Double W and make this work for me in the immediate future and in the long run. And I'm so excited by my potential.
Here's a graph of my weight loss to date:
And here are a few of my favorite recipes:
Sauteed Chicken with Sage Browned Butter
Rachel Ray's Texas Turkey Chili
Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar, Sweet Onion & Thyme
Until next time!