Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2,000 Calories in Two Days

What was I thinking?

I'll tell you.

I was thinking that I'd like to make weight this week. And in order to do that, I needed to burn more calories than I was taking in. Yesterday I went to the pantry (our nickname for the grocery store literally right next door) and picked up a big box of mixed baby greens, some other random veggies and a rotisserie chicken. I planned on eating nothing but chicken broccoli and salad for two days.

But then I smartened up and remembered that I don't do veggies for lunch. So I stuck to a protein shaken, some fruit almonds and light babybel cheese, two salads with rotisserie chicken and another protein bar yesterday. Then today I had a protein shake, three salads like the one previously described and a protein bar.

I also did six sets of the stairs and a 2 1/2 mile walk yesterday. Today I got in three workouts at the gym- a mixture of interval training, weight training, the elliptical machine and an insane and intense spin class.

I'm really tired!

I know this was a crazy and an overkill kinda two days, but I really want to make weight. I'll report back tomorrow! For now, I'm going to catch up on Parenthood (just started watching it a couple nights ago and have only seen two episodes. So far so great!) and get to sleep. This girl is not long for this world tonight.


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