Friday, March 26, 2010

New Foods

For this round of the game, I'm following the Weight Watchers (Double W) food plan, but mostly still eating Game appropriate food. Where it deviates a little is that I don't have to eat the fat/carb or fruit/protein/veggie combo. Instead, I just have to make sure I eat the points necessary to be on program.

What is great about this is it allows me to have a little more variation in my food choices. For example, with the remaining points I needed to eat tonight, I had a killer dinner which consisted of whole wheat pasta, tomato sauce, turkey meatballs and low fat ricotta cheese with a side salad. I haven't had anything resembling spaghetti for a long time and I forgot how much I liked it.

Two great purchases this week that I highly recommend:
1 bag of frozen turkey meatballs.
1 12-pack of turkey burgers (a 4-pack usually costs $4, and I got a 12-pack for $3 more).

The variety in my food has been a nice mental change, but in truth, it really isn't a huge departure from what I have been doing for the past six months. But tomorrow's my day off, and I'm looking forward to that!


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