Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Out of Shape

I'm out of shape. I haven't been doing a good job with my training. In fact, I called Hal on Sunday and told him that I need a serious ass kicking. We came up with a short-term plan and we'll be checking-in each Sunday to make sure I do what I'm supposed to.

I know that I need accountability (in basically every aspect of my life except for work) to make sure I stay on track. So in addition to getting an updated running plan from Hal (which is only one week out at a time) and a weekly date to check-in, I asked Susannah to be my accountability and running partner. I gave her permission to show up on my doorstep and drag me out of the apartment if I cancel a run.

On the non-running front, I made my hotel reservations for the night before and of the marathon in Dublin. We'll be staying at the Grafton House which seems to be situated near the start/finish of the marathon. And I printed out three copies of the marathon route (assuming it's the same as 2007) and am putting it up in front of my computer, on the fridge and next to my bed.

It's time to kick this training into high gear.


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