Yes, I know, it's Been Way Too Long
Well it's no secret that I've been beyond neglectful in posting to my blog. It's very much indicitave, unfortunately, of how the past month has gone for me. I have been eating like crap. I've gone running maybe two or three times. I have gotten down on myself and this process and I've really been questioning all of this.
The good thing is that at the end of the day, I still envision myself crossing that finish line in Dublin on October 27th, 2008. But I've gotten a little lost in the last month. Falling back into old patterns, working entirely too much, not putting myself first and just basically not doing anything that good for myself.
With this whole thing, all I can do is just dust myself off and try again. So that's what I'm doing. I've spent the weekend getting my home ready and getting me ready. It's meant clearing out the cabinets of any crap in the house, putting my running schedule back on my calendar (day one starts today), shopping at Trader Joe's, buying a scale, weighing myself for the first time in I don't know how long, taking vitamins and mentally preparing in other ways.
Ready or not here I come...again.
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