Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Plugging along

I'm still on track with my training (I've done three 1-mile runs) and I'm feeling good. I have a two miler coming up this week, which I'm certainly curious about. My shins were giving me some problems. I could feel the slightest bit of pain and decided to get replace my sneakers a few weeks ahead of schedule.

After watching the NOVA marathon challenge, I don't want to take any chances. So new sneakers and a hieghtened sense of touch and I'm off.

I love structure. I love to do lists. I love when other people tell me what to do. I love directions. I love for things to be laid out perfecly clearly. So when I asked Hal to put together my marathon training for the year, I was perfectly happy to get the schedule regardless of what it said.

Well, I did ward off some anxiety before I event got the training schedule from Hal by telling him not to start me off with two mile runs.

Anyway, so I'm following the plan and I'm feeling great!


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